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Policies & Procedures





Classes run on a weekly schedule during your term of enrollment (August to December and January to May) except for holiday breaks. Classes will not be in session on Labor Day, the week of Thanksgiving Break, the weeks of Christmas Break, Spring Break, or Memorial Day. Please mark these dates on your calendar as the studio will be closed for classes. Please see your individual registration packets for the exact dates for your particular class days.


​Although regular classes are not offered during breaks, be sure to check out the Camps tab as special pop-up events will likely be added to the calendar!



Total costs include all supplies for the term. Tuition costs are due before classes begin. You may either pay this in full at the beginning of the term or set up a monthly payment plan that divides the total amount by the number of months classes are in session. If you choose to pay out your tuition, monthly payments are due on the first of each month. Those who do not complete their payments in time will forfeit their spot in the class.



Early drop-offs and late pick-ups are not permitted. Teaching time management and being respectful of everyone’s time and busy schedules is important to us. We strive to have everything ready for your budding artists when they walk into the studio as well as have them promptly ready for pick-up at the specified times. We ask that you join us in these efforts and be on time for drop-off and pick-up! We understand that things happen and traffic is not always on our side. Please contact the studio if this occurs. Not adhering to this policy and/or having more than one occurrence may result in late pick-up fees or being dropped from the class roster without a refund.



We know that unexpected events can occur, but due to the structure of our classes, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations or missed sessions. When you sign up, we reserve a spot specifically for your child and consider it your commitment to the full term. If your child is feeling sick, please keep them home to help keep everyone safe. They can return to class once they’re symptom-free and have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication. If your child is ill or out of town for a class, we will do our best to catch them up in the next class, but will not be able to issue a refund or prorate fees for absences.  Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 






​​​Keep an eye out on the Camps tab as special pop-up events will likely be added to the calendar throughout the year! Camps are typically kid-geared with a variety of topics and lengths. Read camp descriptions carefully as some may be pop-up 1-day camps while others may be 4-day week camps. 



Total costs for camps include all supplies. The only thing we ask you to bring to camp is a smile and a snack! Camps are typically longer than the weekly class times so we will break for a light snack in between our create time. Tuition costs are due in full before camp begins. Those who do not complete their payments in time will forfeit their spot in the camp.



Early drop-offs and late pick-ups are not permitted. Teaching time management and being respectful of everyone’s time and busy schedules is important to us. We strive to have everything ready for your budding artists when they walk into the studio as well as have them promptly ready for pick-up at the specified times. We ask that you join us in these efforts and be on time for drop-off and pick-up! We understand that things happen and traffic is not always on our side. Please contact the studio if this occurs. Not adhering to this policy and/or having more than one occurrence may result in late pick-up fees or being dropped from the camp roster without a refund.



We know that unexpected events can occur, but due to the structure of our camps, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations or missed sessions. When you sign up, we reserve a spot specifically for your child and consider it your commitment to the camp. If your child is feeling sick, please keep them home to help keep everyone safe. If it is a multiple-day camp, they may return once they’re symptom-free and have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication. Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 





​​​Keep an eye out on the workshops tab as special pop-up events will likely be added to the calendar throughout the year! Workshops are typically adult-geared with a variety of topics and lengths. Read the descriptions carefully as some may be pop-up 1-day events while others may be month-long weekly workshops. 



Total costs for workshops include all supplies. The only thing we ask you to bring to camp is a smile and a snack! Workshops vary in length so if you feel you might want a light snack or drink between creating, feel free to bring one along. Tuition costs are due in full before workshops begin. Those who do not complete their payments in time will forfeit their spot in the workshop.



Please adhere to workshop times. We strive to have everything ready for you when you walk into the studio and would appreciate you helping us keep on schedule by cleaning up and having rides arranged at the specified end times for each workshop.  



We know that unexpected events can occur, but due to the structure of our workshops, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations or missed sessions. When you sign up, we reserve a spot specifically for you and consider it your commitment to the workshop. If you are feeling sick, please stay home to help keep everyone safe. If it is a multiple-day workshop, you are welcome to join us once you are symptom-free and have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication. Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 

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